Assistant Professor, Division of Liberal Arts, S-Lac, Daegu University, Republic of Korea

Doktorarbeit Kommunismus-Kapitalismus als Ursache nationaler Teilung Das Bild des geteilten Koreas in der deutschen und des geteilten Deutschlands in der koreanischen Literatur (seit den 1950er Jahren)-, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg in Germany, 2005.

Master Thesis A Study on the Union System of the Austria-Hungarian Dual Empire-Focused on the National Problem of Zisleithanien and Transleithanien-, Dongguk University in Republic of Korea, 1998.

Research Fields:

History and stereotypes, history education, cultural diversity in Korea, multiculturalism in education


Park, Jae-Young, History and Stereotype, Seon-in publishing company, 2021 (Selected as an excellent academic book by the Korean Academy of Sciences, 2022).

Park, Jae-Young & Kang, Taek-Goo, History education and national image, Seon-in publishing company, 2018(Selected as an excellent academic book by the Korean Academy of Sciences, 2019).

Park, Jae-Young & 2 others, Cultural Diversity in Korean History, Kyung-jin publishing company, 2016.

Park, Jae-Young & 17 others, Multiculturalism in Korean History, Seon-in publishing company, 2016.

Park, Jae-Young & 11 others, A history of recognition of others and mutual communication, Shinseowon publishing company, 2011.


Park,Jae-Young & Kim, Young-Suk, Development Status and Tasks for Multicultural Education Textbooks: Focusing on Multicultural History Education, The History Education Review Vol.33, pp.483-516, 2021.

Jae-Young & Kwak, Hee-Jeong, Case Study of Korean History Class Using Culturally Responsive Teaching, The History Education Review Vol.29, pp.399-437, 2019.

Jae-Young & Ha, Jin-Kee, The Change Factors and Reorganization of the Korean identity of the Korean-Chinese Residents in Korea, Culture and Convergence Vol. 41, pp.1191-1220, 2019.

Park, Jae-Young, Two Perspectives on the Korean War: Contents in East and West German History Textbooks during the Cold War, Daegu Sahak(The Daegu Historical Review) Vol. 139, pp.339-383, 2019.

Park, Jae-Young, A critical review on the Duration of Low-skilled Foreign Workers (E-9), Multi-Cultural Contents Studies Vol. 30, pp.43-72, 2019.

Park, Jae-Young, Syncretic Characteristics of Schemenlaufen, the carnival of Imst, Austria, World History and Culture Vol. 44, pp.111-138, 2017.