PhD thesis: The Stedinger peasants as political myth – exploitation, politicisation or regional role model?, 2007 Master’s degree at University of Leipzig, 2009/2010 training as broadcasting journalist at the RTL Journalistenschule, Cologne, since 2011 freelance journalist, since 2013 lecturer for history and economics at the University of Oldenburg with focus on media training and journalism for researchers
Research Fields:
myths in correlation to identity building processes, regional myth, narratives and climate change, property narratives and science communication
Holzhausen, Jessica / Grecksch, Kevin: Historic narratives, myths and human behavior in times of climate change: A review from northern Europe’s coastlands, in: WIREs Climate Change,
Grecksch, Kevin / Holzhausen, Jessica: Property Rights Revisited – Are Narratives the Way Forward?, in: International Journal of Law in the Built Environment, August 2017.
Holzhausen, Jessica: Der Mythos Stedinger im Wandel der Zeit: Instrumentalisierung, Politisierung oder regionale Identifikationsfigur? Independently Published 2019.